Per the Town Charter, the Moderator appoints the 9-member Finance Committee.
Three members are appointed each year for 3-year terms.
- The Town of Andover has a $200mm+ annual budget with almost 1500 employees. It takes a long time to thoroughly and independently review a budget of this size and investigate the annual operating expenses with so many moving pieces and departments/functions.
- As such it is critical that the Finance Committee can fully function and legally meet during its annual cycle.
As Moderator I will make sure the full Finance Committee is appointed and in place by July 1, 2023
- Andover residents interested in serving on Boards and Committees, including Finance, complete and submit a Talent Bank Form describing their background, experience, availability, and interest.
- I have previously found that many Andover citizens were never even contacted about serving on the Finance Committee even though they expressed an interest in doing so and despite of seemingly great & impeccable backgrounds (serving on Finance Committee's in other towns, state Bank Examiners, etc) or were otherwise quickly passed over without serious consideration.
- As Moderator, I will establish a Finance Committee Appointment Review Board, including the current FinCom Chair, to interview ALL interested residents who have submitted a Talent Bank Form for the Finance Committee. The purpose being to vet the candidates and provide a short list of recommended appointments.
- I pledge that ANY resident willing to serve should be able to and at a minimum will be contacted & interviewed if they complete & submit a Talent Bank Form.
Financial Qualifications and Experience
Members of the Finance Committee have the financial &/or operational expertise to be able to thoroughly and independently review and investigate the proposed operating and capital expenditures in order to make the appropriate recommendations to voters at Town Meeting.